How to make a cross-chain swap

  1. On the 12Swap landing page here click "Launch App" button in the top right corner;

  1. Click Connect Wallet, and then click Confirm button;

  2. Then, on the pop-up wallet window, click “Unlock” button and type in your password to connect your wallet to 12Swap platform;

  3. Choose the source and destination chains in the droplists. Each chain changing requires wallet approval;

  1. Choose the token you want to swap from the token dropdown list in the "You sell" section, then enter the amount you want. Then, choose the token you want to trade to in the "You buy" section. Make sure you have sufficient balance of native token left for your gas fee, BNB in this case;

  1. Set the amount you wnat to sell or buy, and click “Swap” button. Set the gas limit in your wallet if necessary;

  1. Wait for transaction to be completed. While waiting you can view the transaction on the scanner;

  1. If the swap was successful, you will see the green check on your screen. Click “Done” or “View on Explorer” to see your transaction details. That's it!

Last updated